Wanted to send out a quick thanks to all our #American customers for all their support over the years! Have a safe and fun #4thofJuly celebration!   Andi and the "not so" L'il Monkeys!...

  Wanted to send out a quick thanks to all our #Canadian customers for all their support over the years! Have a safe and fun #CanadaDay celebration!   Andi and the "not so" L'il Monkeys!  ...

The grand prize winner of the 2013 L'il Monkey of the Year photo contest is: Katelyn, Benjamin & Crosby     Grand prize: $100 L’il Monkeys Gift Card         The runner up is: Hudson & Berkley     Runner-up: $50 L’il Monkeys Gift Card         Thanks to all those that submitted photos of their L'il ones enjoying their L'il Monkeys personalized blankets We will...

    Happy New Year to all of our loyal @lilmonkeys fans. Thanks so much for a great year. Looking forward to making your 2014 a snuggly, warm and memorable year! We are very thankful for all of your feedback, amazing photos and continued support.   ~Andi and the "not so"...

          Check out the top 100 girls and boys names of 2013 here: Top baby names 2013   Girls: 1. Sophia 2. Emma 3. Olivia 4. Isabella 5. Mia 6. Ava 7. Lily 8. Zoe 9. Emily 10 Chloe   Boys: 1. Jackson 2. Aiden 3. Liam 4. Lucas 5. Noah 6. Mason 7. Jayden 8. Ethan 9. Jacob 10. Jack                        ...