03 Jun L’il Monkeys launches new website!!
L’il Monkeys is proud to announce the launch of our new website!
This new site reflects our new corporate colours, logo and vision. A lot of work has been put into providing our customers with a seamless web experience, ordering process and access to the latest L’il Monkeys information. Thanks to Dahna and Kim for all their work on the site development for this launch and to Amanda and Ryan for the great product shots. Check out some of our new content and pages:
Our Products: Want to order a custom blanket? Check out our seamless online product customization and order process. We’ve included high resolution pictures and the ability to zoom in to view images of our high quality fleece used to make the blankets.
L’il Monkeys Gallery: Want to be famous? Now you have the ability to upload and send us a photo of your L’il Monkey enjoying their custom personalized blanket to post on our website.
FAQ’s: Everything you need to know to order and take care of your L’il Monkeys products!
Testimonials: Love our products? Now you have the ability to submit your testimonials online to be published on our website.
L’il Monkeys Newsletter Signup: Want to get updates and further information on our company and products…sign up for our newsletter.
Blog: Where we will post interesting articles, contests, promotions and much much more…stay tuned and be sure to check it our on a regular basis!
Links to our Social Networks: Check us out on Twitter, Facebook and Pinterest
Contact Us: We at L’il Monkeys are all about making raving fans. Have any suggestions for us? We’d love to hear from you….our valued customers!!
Our new Fleece Colours: Check out all our fleece colours including our new vibrant ones!