31 Jul Happy #BCDAY
Happy BC Day to all our British Columbian customers who have made us the success we are today!! ...
Happy BC Day to all our British Columbian customers who have made us the success we are today!! ...
Parker from Calgary AB...
Happy 4th of July to all our valued American customers [caption id="attachment_6812" align="alignnone" width="300"] july4th[/caption]...
Happy Canada Day to all our valued Canadian customers! [caption id="attachment_6809" align="alignnone" width="300"] canada-day-fireworks[/caption]...
It’s been a while since I made a blog post for L’il Monkeys. It’s not because I didn’t have anything to say, believe me that is NEVER the case. When I started L’il Monkeys eleven years ago when our twins were born, I never could...
Amazing photo of Charlotte Sophia and Lincoln all with their very own #personalizedbabyblankets You made the girls blankets when they were born, they are now 3 and still use them and now there little brother has one too! Thank You! [caption id="attachment_6835" align="alignnone" width="300"] Charlotte Sophia Lincoln[/caption] ...
Blaze and Bozton from Calgary AB. Love this photo as my husband's nickname is Blaze and he is a huge Boston Bruins fan!!!!!! Thanks for the amazing testimonial...
Happy Memorial Day to all our valued American customers! [caption id="attachment_6771" align="alignnone" width="300"] memorial day 2016[/caption]...
Have a goulish, safe and Happy Halloween! ~ Andi and the "not so" L'il Monkeys [caption id="attachment_6431" align="alignnone" width="300"] Happy Halloween 1[/caption] ...
Wishing all our Canadian customers a Happy Thanksgiving. ~ Andi and the (not so) L'il Monkeys [caption id="attachment_6418" align="alignnone" width="300"] Thanksgiving-turkey[/caption]...